Everything About Getting an Apostille by The Secretary of State of Hawaii

Everything About Getting an Apostille by The Secretary of State of Hawaii

Secretary of State of Hawaii

If you're planning to move to another country or conduct business overseas, you'll likely need to have certain documents verified by an Apostille. This certification indicates that the document is legitimate and has been authorized by the government. If you're in Hawaii and wondering how to get an Apostille, you're in the right place. In this blog post, we'll cover everything you need to know about getting an Apostille in Hawaii.

What is an Apostille?

Firstly, let's define what an Apostille is. An Apostille is a certificate issued by the Secretary of State of Hawaii or your state that verifies the authenticity of public documents. These documents may include birth certificates, marriage licenses, college degrees, or any other type of document that needs to be legally recognized in another country.

How to get an Apostille in Hawaii?

To get an Apostille in Hawaii, the first step is to make sure the document is notarized by a Hawaii-licensed notary public. Next, you'll need to send the original notarized document with a request for an Apostille to the Hawaii State Department of Health (for vital records), Hawaii Department of Education (for educational records), and the Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (for all other records). You can choose to send the request by mail or in person.

How long does it take to get an Apostille in Hawaii?

The processing time for an Apostille can vary, but the Hawaii State Department of Health typically takes 4-6 weeks, while the Hawaii Department of Education and Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs usually take up to 10 business days. It's important to plan accordingly and allow for ample time if you need your documents verified quickly.

What documents can be Apostilled in Hawaii?

Most public documents can be Apostilled in Hawaii, including:

  • Birth, Marriage, and Death certificates
  • Adoption certificates
  • Diplomas and transcripts
  • Business registration and licensing certificates
  • Power of attorney documents

Getting an Apostille in Hawaii can seem like a daunting process, but with the right information and preparation, it can be a smooth and straightforward process. Make sure you have all the necessary documents notarized by a licensed notary public, send them to the appropriate government department, and allow sufficient time for processing. With this guide, you're well on your way to securing the documents you need for your international affairs. Good luck!