New Zealand Apostille Service

The “Apostille” is a certificate that accompanies an official document to verify that the signer of your document is genuine. It also provides foreign authorities with the possibility that the person who signed their document is a recognized and authorized person of the organization that issued the document. Each apostille is dated and provided with a unique and registered reference number.

When filing a legal document in a foreign country, it is often very difficult to determine whether the document is authentic and legal. In 1961, the procedure of legalizing documents for use abroad was abolished and, under the Hague Convention, it was replaced by a simple certificate of authenticity known as an “apostille”. 

USLegalization helps you to get this certificate on your behalf for your document and return it directly to your door or to a third party.

In order for documents issued by the United States to be accepted and recognized in New Zealand, they will most likely need to be legalized for their authenticity, which is known as the New Zealand Apostille.

The body or organization you submit documents to should be able to advise you on whether you need to legalize or apostil them. You can seek general advice from the U.S. Government, educational institution, embassy, consulate, or high commission of New Zealand in Washtogn DC.

USLegalization works between you and the Embassy of New Zealand to ensure that your documents are properly prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Apostille for New Zealand before we deliver the documents to you.